Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Baking Weekend

One thing that I look forward to when I have my own kitchen is to be able to bake goodies with my girls and for my girls. (Okay, the husby can also have some, hehehe)... One weekend, with all the eggs the we gave to my folks, I decided to bake. Yssa suggested that I make cupcakes (with her tried and tested super yummy and sinfully rich recipe) and I'd have Elissa help by putting on the sprinkles...

Cupcakes while cooling
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It's actually nice to have Elissa do this as aside from it being an activity that would help enhance her fine motor skills and improve concentration ...
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its definitely a bonding moment for us
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I hope that we do this more often... With Katrisse, perhaps?

Eli.... want to taste?

Finished cupcakes with Elissa's sprinkes
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Papasa na bang Nigella Lawson? Hehehe...
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Yssa Fider said...


The Asian Nigella Lawson! w00t. :))

AJ Ramos said...

Karla's "mini me"! super cutie! haay, dream ko din yang bonding moment... can't wait.. hehehehe... and the cupcakes look really yummy too!