Sunday, August 3, 2008

Elissa, my English-speaking toddler

Elissa goes to school three times a week at Toddlers Unlimited and one thing that I look forward to is her teachers' weekly anecdotal report. Sometimes the teacher mentions about Elissa liking the train toy and how she would be "extra playful" (aka magulo?) and would get to settle down during singing time.

Recently, the teachers mentioned that her words were clearer now and that she'd name the animal first before playing with it, such as "cow", "pig", etc. I wasn't so surprised with that as I knew she was very familiar with the usual animals and their sounds. In fact, she knows most forms and shapes of animals that when she saw a lechon earlier at Tita Ahlee's party she had to shout, "Look Mom! Pig!" Oo nga naman... Hehehe...

Elissa, admittedly is very conversant in English. I think I have myself to blame as I talk to her in English, even her yayas speak to her in English! Not to mention her TV watching and books are all in English. Her common expressions are "oh man!" similar to Swiper of the famous Dora cartoons and "wake up Daaaaaaddy!!!" Which can be very very cute :)

Funny moment, one of Adrian's cousin's mom-in-law was talking to Elissa in straight Filipino. Elissa replied, "sorry". Gosh. Was she sorry for not being able to understand or not being able to speak in Filipino? Or she just had nothing to say so "sorry"? Haaay... Need to teach her the language now! Besides, this should be the best time to learn a new language :)

1 comment:


Dear Elissa should be Marielle who is now at the child care centre! It will surely be a riot with lots of nursery rhymes and drawings! So Elissa Yeah show them that you are really good as it runs in the family! Lots of star stamps for Elissa!!!!